Dog Boarding
Dog Boarding Activities
Dog guests don't sit in their room all day...Guests receive two private activity times!
One activity is provided in the morning and one in the evening. (Sometimes called "enrichment", we just consider it fun with your pet.)
Since each room has an outdoor area to keep their potty breaks on schedule, these are not a basic potty break walk. Guests are not mixed with dogs from other families and enjoy personal one-on-one playtime with a person. (See our activity areas below. It's like two trips to the dog park!)
The length of a guest's activity times varies.
Some guests enjoy a short Nature Trail walk mixed with ball on a playground, some guests sniff around the entire Nature Trail area and take all thirty minutes. Some guests may play ball for an extended period of time in the morning, but prefer a short walk in the evening. Geriatric guests may just enjoy being petted and poking around on the playground until they are ready to go back to their nap.
There is a a maximum time of thirty minutes per guest and only one activity time is provided on Sunday. Extra activity time may be available for the super energetic guest for a small additional charge (i.e. if you would like your pet to be walked a certain number of miles). An extra activity may not always be available depending on how many guests we are accommodating. Guests sharing a room share their activity time together.
Dog Activity Areas